Creative clock project

My nephew had a school project at school and it’s about a clock. Since he’s still 6 years, he can’t fully manage on how to make his own projects. It’s very common that in that age, the parents will help their child to furnish the project. And so my sister helps her son to come up with a presentable clock project. My sister made this clock with some artistic design on it, she made some cartoon figure that attracts my nephew and for sure the other kids too. I admire my sister’s creativity because it’s just a simple clock that the teacher required for the kids to make it, but my sister used her imagination to make something unique.


  1. MinnieRunner said,

    February 24, 2010 at 2:13 pm

    It was beautiful sis. I remember I have done one back when I was in HS.

  2. MinnieRunner said,

    February 24, 2010 at 2:13 pm

    It was beautiful sis. I remember I have done one back when I was in HS.

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